Wednesday, February 07, 2007

hey there!

yeah you! it's been a while!

around a week ago i finished knitting my fingerless gloves, and although they remind me of hobos, i really only knit them because they were so darn easy to! (pattern courtesy of oh my stars).

so here it is:

i suppose they would look better with my hands inside them, but it would have been really hard to take the picture.
i really want to go to Michaels sometime this week, but unfortunately i have no money to spend. it's been this way since Christmastime... i basically spent all my money on gifts before Christmas, and after it i spent it all on me. on Christmas i got $30, which i spent the week after, forgetting that i needed a new backpack. it would have been just enough to to buy one, but i was caught up in the spending spirit when i visited the mall. i really need to retire my old trogdor bag-- i've been using that for three years now, and i know everyone is tired of it. whatever.
now that second semester in school has started, my second period class has changed from keyboarding to Photoshop (finally!). it's a lot harder, but atleast i left that godforsaken class once and for all. i can never remember all the shorcuts and techniques that we learned in PS the day before (resulting in very bad quiz grades), but it is still better than the class i had before. :)