Saturday, September 23, 2006

the weather is changing...

and i know this because i am sick. Also because the temperature on the thermometer on my fish's tank is significantly lower than it was a week ago. So what does this mean? It means i can knit more stuff without feeling like I'm a weirdo. I'm planning on knitting a lacy scarf once i'm done with my cable purse. which reminds me- i have to stop spending money. Lately I've been spending a lot of my birthday money on yarn and other stuff. i have to make sure i put my money in a place where i could just forget about it- that way it will eventually accumulate to something i could spend instead of something i'm just holding on to like my coin jar. Why is coinstar so expensive anyway?

I went to the football game last night when we played covina. yeah... we lost 7 to 41. If i were a football fan and if i even remotely supported our team i think i would have cried. Since Grace couldn't go with me i ended up hanging out with Jessica and a couple of her friends. It was ok, although most of the time i wasn't really sure what was going on. Atleast the halftime show was ok... i don't want to say anything bad about it because i know they probably put a lot of hard work into it... but i should say that the other team's band was pretty loud, even if they were small and scattered around the seats. maybe they DID have hidden microphones...

Anywho, my classes have been ok so far. I mean, besides the usual ton of work i get. I'm actually studying for the tests this year instead of just glancing at notes 10 minutes before. That's good, right? This year has been a lot harder than the past two and i guess now i have to believe it when the older students told me that junior year would be the toughest year in high school. hmmm... maybe it's not that hard and it's just the laziness of summer trying to push its way back in. If it is just laziness, then i have to make sure that it stays out for a while- i have 2 projects coming up, and i know there is more to come.

Monday, September 11, 2006

the first official post here!

i kind of have to make this one short though. right now i'm in keyboarding class. i hate this class. god i hate this class. so why am i taking it, you ask? mainly because we're required to have atleast one computer class during high school. i decided to take the easiest A that i could get here, which was keyboarding. when i chose this class though, i forgot that i had taken it before in eighth grade... so i guess that was my fault. but anywho, i suppose it's not too bad because it gives me free time to surf around the internet every day.

lately i've been looking for good knitting patterns online. i have to make sure somehow that it works... last time i got a pattern online for a bunny plushie that i tried to make twice, but both times they ended up looking like some sort of rabbit-armadillo hybrid. yesterday i knit a really simple bookmark; maybe later i'll post a picture of it. i was planning on knitting this lacey one that i saw online, but i didn't know what the hell they were talking about in the instructions. i really need to learn some of the more complicated stitches so i can knit better stuff.

see? i told you it would be short. but anyway, bye for now! :]

Friday, September 08, 2006

test test