Monday, September 11, 2006

the first official post here!

i kind of have to make this one short though. right now i'm in keyboarding class. i hate this class. god i hate this class. so why am i taking it, you ask? mainly because we're required to have atleast one computer class during high school. i decided to take the easiest A that i could get here, which was keyboarding. when i chose this class though, i forgot that i had taken it before in eighth grade... so i guess that was my fault. but anywho, i suppose it's not too bad because it gives me free time to surf around the internet every day.

lately i've been looking for good knitting patterns online. i have to make sure somehow that it works... last time i got a pattern online for a bunny plushie that i tried to make twice, but both times they ended up looking like some sort of rabbit-armadillo hybrid. yesterday i knit a really simple bookmark; maybe later i'll post a picture of it. i was planning on knitting this lacey one that i saw online, but i didn't know what the hell they were talking about in the instructions. i really need to learn some of the more complicated stitches so i can knit better stuff.

see? i told you it would be short. but anyway, bye for now! :]

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