Sunday, January 21, 2007

what i have been trying to do

since i started this blog was to upload pictures of my crafty creations that i make in my spare time... so far i haven't had enough time (or knowhow) to do this, but now i have time!

about 2 weeks ago i started making kanzashi flowers out of the spare scraps of cloth i have left over. it was really easy, thanks to various sites like one hour craft (which i am kind of addicted to right now). so here's what i made:

this is the first couple i made... kinda crappy, but i guess it's pretty good for my first try.

these are the next two i made. getting better...

this is the next one i made, and it's starting to look good.

these are the last ones i made. they look a lot better, but sorry for the crappy pictures. it was too dark, and the flash was too bright. anywho, i actually starched the fabric when making these two flowers, making it a lot easier to deal with.

later on i shall post more pictures of my craftiness, just so my blog looks a little more interesting. i should start to knit again cuz on some occasions i have a LOT of spare time.

Friday, January 05, 2007

looking outside at the falling leaves and crazy winds,

i wonder why all this is happening now rather than in september or october when it should have. according to, winds here right now range from 13 to 19 mph. hmmm... i can hear my house breaking apart from the inside. dang. this house is old. some of the shingles from the roof are actually falling off, thankfully just into the backyard and nowhere else. when the bathroom door is closed, i can feel the wind rushing through that little gap between the door and the floor; we like to keep the bathroom window open for obvious reasons.

i hope everyone had a very pleasant holiday season. :) christmas and new years was pretty cool i guess. the younger part of our family spent time playing board games [which you would think is pretty lame, but actually turned out fun]. i had fun engorging myself with holiday food and unwrapping presents and whatnot.

today is the last weekday of summer break before i return to school, and i still have not finished my homework. how could i? i need more lazy time, dammit! i actually did get a video camera for christmas, but i have yet to understand how everything works [the owner's manual has very BAD english]. i actually recorded something today, but it took me forever to find out how to view what i recorded. now only a couple hours later, i can't even remember how i did all of that. oh well. there's always time for it later... on the 15th we have a 3 day weekend. :)