Sunday, January 21, 2007

what i have been trying to do

since i started this blog was to upload pictures of my crafty creations that i make in my spare time... so far i haven't had enough time (or knowhow) to do this, but now i have time!

about 2 weeks ago i started making kanzashi flowers out of the spare scraps of cloth i have left over. it was really easy, thanks to various sites like one hour craft (which i am kind of addicted to right now). so here's what i made:

this is the first couple i made... kinda crappy, but i guess it's pretty good for my first try.

these are the next two i made. getting better...

this is the next one i made, and it's starting to look good.

these are the last ones i made. they look a lot better, but sorry for the crappy pictures. it was too dark, and the flash was too bright. anywho, i actually starched the fabric when making these two flowers, making it a lot easier to deal with.

later on i shall post more pictures of my craftiness, just so my blog looks a little more interesting. i should start to knit again cuz on some occasions i have a LOT of spare time.

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