Saturday, June 23, 2007


ok. so this morning i noticed something strange on my sunburned arms... there appears to be the figure of a hand print on my shoulder and it is REALLY FREAKING ME OUT. it's like the devil tried to touch my arm and burned me in the process...

other than that and a little peeling of the skin, things have been going fine, i suppose. i've been working on knitting a rug lately, and i'm predicting that this project will last forever. but that's ok... at least i'll have something to do! :D

earlier today aimee and i stopped by the Barnes and Nobles and i bought an issue of Knit.1 magazine and Craft Magazine. i've been trying to get a Knit.1 mag for maybe the past year now, and now that i finally have it i'm a little disappointed; not because of what's in it (it's as cool as i expected!) but because they only had one issue at Barnes and Nobles and it was in kinda crappy condition. anywho, i'm looking forward to doing some of the crafts featured in these magazines. i kinda want to get a subscription... maybe then i'll have something to look forward to when i get the mail!! XD

Monday, June 18, 2007


well i'm back from cabo and i return to you burnt and a little crispy... also with 2 bug bites. yuckie...

anyway, it was fun and all, except for attending those time share presentations all for the sake of a free breakfast that was promised. :/

so yeah..... i need more time to make more crafty creations!!! i have the rest of the summer to come up with something, and hopefully it'll be more than one thing. :D

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

up for a quickie?

interpret that title as you like.... anyway, school ended last week and all i've been doing so far is eating out and shopping. it's really lame.

it still feels like i should be going to school. i'm not in summer mode yet. i went out with my friends on the last day of school and that felt like just another day where i stay after school. i've been shopping during the day a lot and i still feel like i should be doing homework or something.

well..... tomorrow morning the family and i are going out to cabo in mexico. maybe that will help set me into summertime. :D 4 days to remove my disgusting farmer's tan.

Friday, June 01, 2007


so this week has been quite eventful. let's start at the beginning of the week:

sunday: fun fun fun at the beach with cousins. it took forever to find parking but it was worth it. we also had to scavenge for coins for the meter, and i managed to save the day! (or at least i like to think so...).

monday was AWESOME, and i even have pictures to prove it! yay! we had a surprise party for laura's birthday. it took us around an hour to fill all those waterballoons, and only 2 minutes to get rid of them. :)

this is my sad attempt to take a picture of myself, one of three... :)

reinalyn trying to fix her camera...

it works! yay!

a kid going off with one of the balloons that I PAID FOR. i'll get him back some day...

laura, pam, and grace going off with some of the many pieces of fried chicken...

my pants after the other elaine decided it would be funny to throw a giant waterballoon at my butt...

there she is! i see you!

steven, grace, and laura with her heart balloon while we were trying to play truth or dare...

anyway, you get the idea. lot's of food, lot's of people, lot's of fun. i took a couple more pictures but they're just taking too long to upload. also, i'm really lazy. that too.

tuesday i took my anatomy final for the cat dissection, which was a lot harder than i anticipated. i suppose 70 out of 90 is ok considering that i didn't study at all.

the next couple of days were just a whole lot of nothing. except for today...

today was the last day of school for seniors, which i suppose would be a lot sadder if i had more senior friends. oh well. i didn't see as many people crying and stuff as i did last year. i guess it's cuz i was closer to a couple more seniors last year. today was just a bunch of people with their camcorders and digital cameras, capturing their every last move.

i was thinking if i should go buy a yearbook this saturday. i kinda just want to look at it. i'm not so sure how many people will even sign it. :/

next week school will be totally empty. :) i can't wait to go to graduation.