Saturday, June 23, 2007


ok. so this morning i noticed something strange on my sunburned arms... there appears to be the figure of a hand print on my shoulder and it is REALLY FREAKING ME OUT. it's like the devil tried to touch my arm and burned me in the process...

other than that and a little peeling of the skin, things have been going fine, i suppose. i've been working on knitting a rug lately, and i'm predicting that this project will last forever. but that's ok... at least i'll have something to do! :D

earlier today aimee and i stopped by the Barnes and Nobles and i bought an issue of Knit.1 magazine and Craft Magazine. i've been trying to get a Knit.1 mag for maybe the past year now, and now that i finally have it i'm a little disappointed; not because of what's in it (it's as cool as i expected!) but because they only had one issue at Barnes and Nobles and it was in kinda crappy condition. anywho, i'm looking forward to doing some of the crafts featured in these magazines. i kinda want to get a subscription... maybe then i'll have something to look forward to when i get the mail!! XD

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