Sunday, September 16, 2007

ohhhh jeebuzzzzz

today was an uuuueber fat day. as in super fried foods fat. (explanations come later!)

this weekend was pretty cool. friday mrs. lyons wasn't in class, which always makes things a lot better. everyone seemed happy; not just me :) saturday was kinda a lazy day, but at night we went out to the mall to watch The Kingdom. waaayyyy too intense for me, especially all the violence packed into the first few minutes. i know i know, i've seen more violence in other action movies, but this one was just asking for a panicked audience all the way through. after the movie we ate some DQ ice cream (kinda a fatty day). but today was like one of the fattiest days i've ever had... we went to the LA fair and basically just ate our way through; must everything be deep fried? this day goes up there at the top of the fattiest days list, right next to the day we went to the OC fair (also a deep fried conundrum). but it was fine, as long as i got to have some nice family bonding time with the cousins before wesley goes back to UCSD and before aimee goes off to UCI.

things to come: i need to pick up on my knitting again, since it seems like it's been forever since i knit anything. also, i've been working on more of those cake softies, one for me and one for aimee. Michaels finally sent out an ad this week, and i need the coupons to save the moneyyyyyyssss! ohh yes, i am low on funds. i also think i should be getting a job soon; i know i've said this before, but i need the money!

usually by now i would be trying to get some sleep, since i have school tomorrow. basically i'm just updating right now to kill time since i just started doing my laundry. why does it have to take an hour to wash? an hour to dry? sigh. i guess i shouldn't be complaining; it could be a lot worse, to the point where i go back in time to do all my laundry by hand. ohh man. i would've died in the olden days. or maybe i would develop super duper arm muscles from all the hard labor... :)

ughhhhh... even hours after leaving the fair, i can still feel the food trying to rush up my esophagus. gross :/

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