Thursday, May 24, 2007

so tired...

i really want to go to sleep now. but i can't. i'm expecting an important phone call that i really don't want to miss because if i do then i'll have to call him back and then i have to go through the whole awkward thing again that happened when i first called him and then i'll get really nervous and then i blah blah blah you get the point. i can't miss that call.

i only got 3.5 hours of sleep last night because i was studying for my history test. usually when i do things like dedicate my entire night to one class to study, it always turns out for the better when i get my grade back. but not today. i studied 6 hours straight last night, and then studied throughout the 3 classes i have before history, and STILL i had a hard time on that damn test. i cannot cannot cannot cannot cannot get a C in that class. i'm so borderline i can actually feel myself being pushed off the cliff... by someone... possibly the teacher... or his TAs that grade the tests. ugh. nevermind. forget what i said.

so last night as i was studying there was a minor earthquake going on. nothing important, a 3.something... i actually thought it was just my crappy house because my sister was walking around, and whenever you step there tends to be a shakey feeling. and then there was the aftershock, which was just there to confirm to me that it really was an earthquake. you would think that since i've been living in california for so long that i could actually distinguish an earthquake (even a minor one) from just a little shaking, but i guess not. almost during every earthquake i could have experienced here i was asleep. in fact, the first earthquake i've actually felt was not too long ago, with the typical reaction of "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!"

geez. look at me rambling on like an old lady. apologies for that. i tell you the tiredness is consuming me.

anywho. it'll be a while until i can actually post another creation of mine, just because i've been so busy and the project i'm working on right now can take up a lot of time, despite the fact that the place i got it from said it only took them 3 days to complete it. whatever. i like to take my time with these things. :)

i'm still waiting for that call!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


today was uber boring, as predicted. but that's ok, i guess. wait. not really. so much wasted time!

in 2nd period photoshop today i had 2 whole hours of nothingness, mainly because i was practically finished with the project when we began today. *sigh* i should have been knitting or texting someone. i wish i could text in class in a more secretive way. the desks in the computer class are way too big to hide my phone under. whatever. i don't evcn know what i'm being charged for texting. until my parents complain or yell at me about how much i'm texting, i guess i'll just keep texting at my normal rate (which i'm guessing is expensive, mainly because i'm super-scrooge-style cheap).

it's May, which means more graduations and birthdays. this means more hush hush secrets and more big huge surprises (kinda, but not really). i can't wait until this year is over! i feel kinda bad... i should have some summer plans set up by now (the mustang update demanded that i do something with my life). i really need to start looking for a job. it's about time i start making some money, dammit! i suppose i need a car first... but before that i need a license... but before that i need to learn how to drive... i mean, i know how to drive. i know how to drive. it's just that i'm really REALLY bad at it. i don't think i can stand failing another driving test. i couldn't stand the patronization that i endured from that instructor guy when i failed.

oh, Jon Stewart. you jest me so. Steven Colbert could never take your place! :)

Saturday, May 19, 2007

it's saturday night...

and i've decided to write just cuz i'm really bored right now. i spent all of this morning helping out my sister with all her prom stuff for tonight and now that she's gone i don't really have anything to do. hohumhum....

i'm supposed to be practicing my script for english, but whatever. i don't have the attention span for that. so far i've learned 2 lines! yay for me! but not really. the whole thing's due monday, so i guess i really have to get prepared.

so i guess i'll just sit here... and blog... and listen to music... sad music... all night.... :( ugh. i was supposed to buy a bunch of t-shirts this morning so that i can make yarn out of them for my next knitting project, but i was so caught up in getting all that crap for my sister that we had no time. grr. i don't think i have time to buy the shirts tomorrow either. SIGH.

damn you imogen heap. such sad and addictive music. huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

i'm really tired. for the past week i've been staying after school every day till 5 to work on projects and birthday stuff (happy birthday, elaine!) and just to stay with friends. it was fun while it lasted but now i'm -for lack of a better word- pooped. but i guess i've had enough time to catch up on sleep. it's time to get back on track! sigh. too tired. i'll do it later. :)

Saturday, May 12, 2007


i know, i know, i haven't been here in AGES, but i have a good reason! well, not really. whatever. just be thankful that i came here today! let's go over what i've done for the past 3 months or so... oh yeah. some of these pictures are really crappy, just cuz the only camera i had around at the time was my camera phone.

food! i've been really busy trying too cook new foods and whatnot. i'm trying to keep this entry as short as possible, so i'll cut back on some of the explanations for some of this food.

i made apfelpfannkuchen so i could get points in german class. mission accomplished!

i made some curry potato pierogi, but i got lazy during the process and the dough was kinda iffy...

i tried making some of Giada de Laurentis' beef and arugula pasta, which actually turned out quite nice, despite this picture...

i also tried making some sweet potato fries, which turned out really good. :)

so yeah..! i also kept myself busy with some crafts:

i tried making a halter from a regular t-shirt when i got the idea from ohmystars... it didn't quite turn out right, but i suppose it was ok for my first try.

i made some marble magnets that i saw on not martha. they look a lot better in person than in this photo...

i knit this scarf from ohmystars, which was really easy, but took WAY too long to do... i'm never going to knit a scarf again; i don't have the patience.

ta da! i sewed up this knitting needle case. now i finally have somewhere to put all my dpns!

speaking of dpns, i actually did use them for a project once, but it turned out horribly wrong. so right now i'm looking for a new project. yay!