Wednesday, May 23, 2007


today was uber boring, as predicted. but that's ok, i guess. wait. not really. so much wasted time!

in 2nd period photoshop today i had 2 whole hours of nothingness, mainly because i was practically finished with the project when we began today. *sigh* i should have been knitting or texting someone. i wish i could text in class in a more secretive way. the desks in the computer class are way too big to hide my phone under. whatever. i don't evcn know what i'm being charged for texting. until my parents complain or yell at me about how much i'm texting, i guess i'll just keep texting at my normal rate (which i'm guessing is expensive, mainly because i'm super-scrooge-style cheap).

it's May, which means more graduations and birthdays. this means more hush hush secrets and more big huge surprises (kinda, but not really). i can't wait until this year is over! i feel kinda bad... i should have some summer plans set up by now (the mustang update demanded that i do something with my life). i really need to start looking for a job. it's about time i start making some money, dammit! i suppose i need a car first... but before that i need a license... but before that i need to learn how to drive... i mean, i know how to drive. i know how to drive. it's just that i'm really REALLY bad at it. i don't think i can stand failing another driving test. i couldn't stand the patronization that i endured from that instructor guy when i failed.

oh, Jon Stewart. you jest me so. Steven Colbert could never take your place! :)

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