Saturday, May 12, 2007


i know, i know, i haven't been here in AGES, but i have a good reason! well, not really. whatever. just be thankful that i came here today! let's go over what i've done for the past 3 months or so... oh yeah. some of these pictures are really crappy, just cuz the only camera i had around at the time was my camera phone.

food! i've been really busy trying too cook new foods and whatnot. i'm trying to keep this entry as short as possible, so i'll cut back on some of the explanations for some of this food.

i made apfelpfannkuchen so i could get points in german class. mission accomplished!

i made some curry potato pierogi, but i got lazy during the process and the dough was kinda iffy...

i tried making some of Giada de Laurentis' beef and arugula pasta, which actually turned out quite nice, despite this picture...

i also tried making some sweet potato fries, which turned out really good. :)

so yeah..! i also kept myself busy with some crafts:

i tried making a halter from a regular t-shirt when i got the idea from ohmystars... it didn't quite turn out right, but i suppose it was ok for my first try.

i made some marble magnets that i saw on not martha. they look a lot better in person than in this photo...

i knit this scarf from ohmystars, which was really easy, but took WAY too long to do... i'm never going to knit a scarf again; i don't have the patience.

ta da! i sewed up this knitting needle case. now i finally have somewhere to put all my dpns!

speaking of dpns, i actually did use them for a project once, but it turned out horribly wrong. so right now i'm looking for a new project. yay!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i want to eat everything u made! also, make me it now! sniff