Wednesday, July 04, 2007

anime expo 'o7

this weekend i spent 4 days at the anime expo, to which my friends said "do you even LIKE anime?" my response being "no..." in fact, i'm kinda borderline on hate right now. too many lines out in the blazing sun, too many crowds of smelly, smelly people. i'm so glad that i'm finally home. i stayed in a semi-ghetto holiday inn for the three nights with my sister and a bunch of her classmates, like a HEAPIN' LOAD of them. every night there was about 12 people staying in our dinky 2-bed room. it's not that i didn't have any fun, it's just that there were a lot of times that i didn't have fun, and i have to complain about it to someone, dammit! haha... laugh it off, that's right! :D

now that that's all over, i need to begin looking for a job! i've been saying that i am gonna get a job over the summer for a REALLY long time, and now that a month of summer has past, it's getting harder to keep that promise. all i've been doing in my spare time is knitting and watching project runway marathons (damn you BRAVO! it's so addictive...) ohh BTW, it seems that i haven't been knitting enough because i'm not even 1/3 of the way finished with my rug thing... i really want to get it over with so that i can begin doing other things. i've tried to keep away from websites like craftster so i won't get any other ideas until i finished the rug. i don't know why it's taking me that long. it's not even that hard to do!!!

anyway, what i really want to do right now is make some hikaru dorodango. i got the idea from craftzine and it looks really easy to do, but it takes a lot of time and (i'm assuming) good quality dirt, which i don't have any of right now.

my parents are kinda mad at me right now cuz of my cell phone bill. apparently my part of the bill is being charged $43 more than the normal rate, $35 of which is all for texting. i really didn't even know that it was that expensive!!! anyway, they want me to pay them the $35 back, but i really don't have any money. i spent all of my moolah on parking and food for that freakin' anime expo since mom only gave me $30 for the whole trip and parking is $8 a day and food is always around $9 there. living is expensive!!!

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