Tuesday, August 14, 2007

cookie goodness :D

so today i whipped up some cookies, mainly because i was bored. i used recipes from Hilarie Waldon's The Great Big Cookie Book, which is pretty good considering i got it for around $2 at Rhinomart. i tried 2 different kinds, but no pics of the first batch because it was a horrible disaster (they didn't rise and ended up being more like crackers than cookies). but here's the second batch: ladyfingers, which actually turned out pretty well, despite the whole meringue-egg-whipping process, which has terribly failed me before in the past. but anywho, no more chit chat! pictures!

sorry for the cell phone pics again, i know they don't do the cookies justice.

close up!

for some reason (i'm not quite sure why) i actually got twice the amount of cookies that the book said there would be, but no worries. the more the merrier! :) mmm... powdered sugar.

so for my next project: birthday gifts, which i'm not sure how long will take because i still have like 2 books to read for my summer reading before school starts on aug. 27th (WHY!? WHY SO EARLY?!). :(

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