Thursday, August 02, 2007

the LOVE rug is finally complete!

so i finally finished knitting my rug, made completely out of t-shirts. some of them were old and some of them i bought for about $2 each. i'm so glad that it's finally done! i actually finished it yesterday, but i had to do a lot of vaccuming before i could take the pics. anyway, here it is:

since it's a little hard to see the love pattern in each square, here are a few close-ups:

i didn't really take the time to measure the size of the rug, but i'm guessing that it's about the size of 2.5 doormats put together. :)

with the leftover yarn i had i made the t-shirt clutch from the knit.1 mag. as you can see it turned out kinda ugly, maybe even fugly, so i'm not sure that i'll ever use it.

the only thing i really like about it is that striking aqua button. :)

the button is a little off center too, through no fault of my own of course! the buttonhole was like that in the pattern, so i guess there was no other way to center it a little. i didn't really even notice it until i started sewing on the button.

after knitting these i have decided to never EVER knit with t-shirt yarn again, mainly because it leaves a huge mess. the yarn tends to molt a lot, something i realized AFTER i dyed all the shirts and began to cut them up and whatnot. also, sometime while making the rug the knitting got really hard, and it just totally ruined the tips of my aluminum needles so that the color totally wore off. sheesh.

my next projects: birthday presents! you know who you are!! :)

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