Tuesday, October 02, 2007

so i'm really sick right now. *EDIT*

it's disgusting. but i suppose i could be worse. i could be so sick that i have to go to the emergency room only to leave four hours later because the waiting is killing me more than the sickness is (as told by my good friend, elaine2). anywho, i've only been sick for a few days, so i guess it can't be that bad.

yesterday while i rolled around on the couch trying to relax, i watched the movie "Wonderland" because i recorded it the day earlier when it was playing on IFC. damn those druggies are crazy. not that i didn't know that already. the movies just enhance the experience much more... just like the drugs!

the only thing that really turned me off from this movie was that Val Kilmer looked surprisingly like the caveman in all those commercials (for Geico, maybe?) that is getting a new tv show that i'm anticipating will be quite crappy.

also. paris hilton. geebuz. did she really think that playing a slut on screen for three seconds would be her breaking role? sigh. children these days. (just forget at this comment that i am a lot younger than paris-- you know i still make a lot of sense).

Ja! Das Buero ist hier! so now that i'm totally into The Office (even though i haven't seen anything from 3rd season) i'm really anticipating the new episodes. yay jim and pam (or as i like to call them, "jam"). i used up $3 just buying The Office supplies from Target (which btw is totally worth it). yay magnets! :)

speaking of Target (and possibly Mervyns), i've noticed lately that a lot of the clothes i buy from there have labels that say things like "made in Jordan" or "made in Cambodia," or any other country that sounds like they are in desperate need or are possibly using child labor. geez. who knew cheap things were at such a high cost? i guess a lot of people. but anyway, my point is that i think now i should be doing my part (or at least trying) to help out the situation (in very small, possibly unnoticeable ways, but nonetheless helping out). by..... DRUM ROLL PLEASE!... making my own clothes! yay! of course, i'd have to start small for now, while i'm still learning how to sew. right now i have some fabric that i'm gonna practice with to make a hoodie, because i desperately need one now that things are getting (slightly) colder. if it turns out really ugly, well then i guess i don't really care, it could just be something i'll sleep in for the time being. no need to waste fabric, let alone the $moohlah$.

so... things to come: i've finished a couple of projects, but neglected to post them up just because either i've been really tired or i've been really busy. maybe i'll put 'em up sometime later. also, i'll try to sew up some stuff, just to see how far i can go with this whole "making clothing" business. hopefully it won't be too bad.

now on to record more movies and watch them later. i'm looking forward to seeing "Dahmer." damn those crazy murderers. ;)

earlier i had this huge paragraph on how great it was that Wal-mart had super incredibly cheap fabric, but i guess that would've been contradicting the whole thing about not buying stuff at places that supported slave-ish labor. as i learned from the documentary we watched in econ, Wal-mart is super evil, or at least evil enough for people to be so angry as to make a documentary about it. i know i know, it's propaganda. but what can we watch out there that isn't?

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