Monday, October 22, 2007


ahhh southern california fires. today they left a nice orange-hue across our town. so that was nice. it was actually kinda relaxing, despite the heat blown over from the fire. right now i'm just waiting for the part where the ash starts falling. it's just like hot grey snow! :)

saturday i went to Pasadena to visit the California School of Culinary Arts for a tour and to apply to the school. it's soo nice! dream school!!!! hahahahaa... i dunno. it all seems so intimidating. apparently finals over there are "just like that show Iron Chef." sigh. we'll see what happens. on nov.3rd i'm going to visit the Art Institute for their culinary program. here's hopin' it's great. :)

so i'm tired. i've been working on a couple of projects but i've just been putting it off for a while because i'm so busy. let's see some events to come:

-parking payments due: 10/23
-senior parking painting: 10/27
-sarah's party (maybe): 10/27
-Oktoberfest: 10/29
-Beowulf test & essay (GAY): 10/30
-visit AI campus: 11/03
-senior ad due: 11/13

ohh geebuz. i know there's a lot more that i'm missing. what else do i have to do?

-prepare for trade fair(NOW)
-set up booth simulation
-fix finances for virtual enterprise
-AP night labs
-senior ad pics
-somehow get money for gifts
-start making christmas gifts
-get b-day present for mom
-halloween costume (if at all possible)
-finish knitting hood
-finish sewing hoodie
-start sewing other clothing
-remember to post projects up here

ugh. no more lists. NO MORE!!! it's too depressing. geebuz. friggin' Beowulf test. i don't understand why it has to be at the end of this month when we finished reading that book a month ago. sigh.

i need a nap. ich mag nicht am 5:30 a.m. aufwachen. X]

1 comment:

Agent GCMS said...

omgosh omgosh omgosh! i can stalk you now :)