Monday, October 22, 2007


ahhh southern california fires. today they left a nice orange-hue across our town. so that was nice. it was actually kinda relaxing, despite the heat blown over from the fire. right now i'm just waiting for the part where the ash starts falling. it's just like hot grey snow! :)

saturday i went to Pasadena to visit the California School of Culinary Arts for a tour and to apply to the school. it's soo nice! dream school!!!! hahahahaa... i dunno. it all seems so intimidating. apparently finals over there are "just like that show Iron Chef." sigh. we'll see what happens. on nov.3rd i'm going to visit the Art Institute for their culinary program. here's hopin' it's great. :)

so i'm tired. i've been working on a couple of projects but i've just been putting it off for a while because i'm so busy. let's see some events to come:

-parking payments due: 10/23
-senior parking painting: 10/27
-sarah's party (maybe): 10/27
-Oktoberfest: 10/29
-Beowulf test & essay (GAY): 10/30
-visit AI campus: 11/03
-senior ad due: 11/13

ohh geebuz. i know there's a lot more that i'm missing. what else do i have to do?

-prepare for trade fair(NOW)
-set up booth simulation
-fix finances for virtual enterprise
-AP night labs
-senior ad pics
-somehow get money for gifts
-start making christmas gifts
-get b-day present for mom
-halloween costume (if at all possible)
-finish knitting hood
-finish sewing hoodie
-start sewing other clothing
-remember to post projects up here

ugh. no more lists. NO MORE!!! it's too depressing. geebuz. friggin' Beowulf test. i don't understand why it has to be at the end of this month when we finished reading that book a month ago. sigh.

i need a nap. ich mag nicht am 5:30 a.m. aufwachen. X]

Saturday, October 06, 2007

so i'm a jerk

maybe just for today. i was taking the SATs this morning and i met this girl named Alaina, who seemed pretty cool. anyway, the reason i'm a jerk is because i just left without saying goodbye or anything. so yeah. sorry! :/

i got a chance to talk with Ryan today too, although the conversation was pretty much filled with awkward pauses. 'sokay. at least we got to talk. it's been a long time! :)

today should be promising... party tonight! update later! :)

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

so i'm really sick right now. *EDIT*

it's disgusting. but i suppose i could be worse. i could be so sick that i have to go to the emergency room only to leave four hours later because the waiting is killing me more than the sickness is (as told by my good friend, elaine2). anywho, i've only been sick for a few days, so i guess it can't be that bad.

yesterday while i rolled around on the couch trying to relax, i watched the movie "Wonderland" because i recorded it the day earlier when it was playing on IFC. damn those druggies are crazy. not that i didn't know that already. the movies just enhance the experience much more... just like the drugs!

the only thing that really turned me off from this movie was that Val Kilmer looked surprisingly like the caveman in all those commercials (for Geico, maybe?) that is getting a new tv show that i'm anticipating will be quite crappy.

also. paris hilton. geebuz. did she really think that playing a slut on screen for three seconds would be her breaking role? sigh. children these days. (just forget at this comment that i am a lot younger than paris-- you know i still make a lot of sense).

Ja! Das Buero ist hier! so now that i'm totally into The Office (even though i haven't seen anything from 3rd season) i'm really anticipating the new episodes. yay jim and pam (or as i like to call them, "jam"). i used up $3 just buying The Office supplies from Target (which btw is totally worth it). yay magnets! :)

speaking of Target (and possibly Mervyns), i've noticed lately that a lot of the clothes i buy from there have labels that say things like "made in Jordan" or "made in Cambodia," or any other country that sounds like they are in desperate need or are possibly using child labor. geez. who knew cheap things were at such a high cost? i guess a lot of people. but anyway, my point is that i think now i should be doing my part (or at least trying) to help out the situation (in very small, possibly unnoticeable ways, but nonetheless helping out). by..... DRUM ROLL PLEASE!... making my own clothes! yay! of course, i'd have to start small for now, while i'm still learning how to sew. right now i have some fabric that i'm gonna practice with to make a hoodie, because i desperately need one now that things are getting (slightly) colder. if it turns out really ugly, well then i guess i don't really care, it could just be something i'll sleep in for the time being. no need to waste fabric, let alone the $moohlah$.

so... things to come: i've finished a couple of projects, but neglected to post them up just because either i've been really tired or i've been really busy. maybe i'll put 'em up sometime later. also, i'll try to sew up some stuff, just to see how far i can go with this whole "making clothing" business. hopefully it won't be too bad.

now on to record more movies and watch them later. i'm looking forward to seeing "Dahmer." damn those crazy murderers. ;)

earlier i had this huge paragraph on how great it was that Wal-mart had super incredibly cheap fabric, but i guess that would've been contradicting the whole thing about not buying stuff at places that supported slave-ish labor. as i learned from the documentary we watched in econ, Wal-mart is super evil, or at least evil enough for people to be so angry as to make a documentary about it. i know i know, it's propaganda. but what can we watch out there that isn't?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

sad music doesn't help sad people

so today ended up to be pretty craptacular. this whole week has been really great until today. i actually thought today was gonna be a really good day because i had a good start, but i guess not. i kinda don't want to go into details, but i kinda feel like i have to.


i won't.

just know that i was really sad. and still am. my eyes still hurt.

i kept trying to make myself feel better with all that "you can't get everything you want" and "you have to work with the cards you were dealt" kinda talk. but...

that just doesn't help.


cheer me up, please.

i hope tomorrow will be a lot better. it's half-day and we plan on going out to eat lunch. so hopefully... friends will come in tune when needed.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

ohhhh jeebuzzzzz

today was an uuuueber fat day. as in super fried foods fat. (explanations come later!)

this weekend was pretty cool. friday mrs. lyons wasn't in class, which always makes things a lot better. everyone seemed happy; not just me :) saturday was kinda a lazy day, but at night we went out to the mall to watch The Kingdom. waaayyyy too intense for me, especially all the violence packed into the first few minutes. i know i know, i've seen more violence in other action movies, but this one was just asking for a panicked audience all the way through. after the movie we ate some DQ ice cream (kinda a fatty day). but today was like one of the fattiest days i've ever had... we went to the LA fair and basically just ate our way through; must everything be deep fried? this day goes up there at the top of the fattiest days list, right next to the day we went to the OC fair (also a deep fried conundrum). but it was fine, as long as i got to have some nice family bonding time with the cousins before wesley goes back to UCSD and before aimee goes off to UCI.

things to come: i need to pick up on my knitting again, since it seems like it's been forever since i knit anything. also, i've been working on more of those cake softies, one for me and one for aimee. Michaels finally sent out an ad this week, and i need the coupons to save the moneyyyyyyssss! ohh yes, i am low on funds. i also think i should be getting a job soon; i know i've said this before, but i need the money!

usually by now i would be trying to get some sleep, since i have school tomorrow. basically i'm just updating right now to kill time since i just started doing my laundry. why does it have to take an hour to wash? an hour to dry? sigh. i guess i shouldn't be complaining; it could be a lot worse, to the point where i go back in time to do all my laundry by hand. ohh man. i would've died in the olden days. or maybe i would develop super duper arm muscles from all the hard labor... :)

ughhhhh... even hours after leaving the fair, i can still feel the food trying to rush up my esophagus. gross :/

Monday, September 03, 2007

birthday gifts :)

i would have posted these earlier, but i didn't just in case someone just stumbled upon my blog and saw what they were getting for a birthday present. so anyway, here's what i made:

anyway, apologies for the bad lighting that, of course, does not do the real thing justice. anyway, i made stacey a carrot cake softie/pillow thing because after many requests by her to make the actual cake (which i have yet to do) i just assumed that this was her favorite kind of cake. it's measurements are 12 inches by 7 inches (i think). basically what i did was follow this tutorial and just double the size. also i had to wing the carrot, since i had no idea how to sew a carrot... i'm pretty proud of the results :)

once again, very BIG apologies for the horrible, HORRIBLE lighting. for wesley i made a meatwad beanie from Aqua Teen Hunger Force (it's kinda hard to tell from the pictures). maybe better pictures next time? anyway, even though you can't tell, it looks pretty good to me, considering i had to totally make the pattern my own. i tried to follow this tutorial, but it turned out WAY too big, so i basically did trial and error with this one, which is why i had to make two (the bigger one goes to wesley).

here's a better pic (but still fuzzy due to cameraphone) of me wearing the smaller one:

just because i feel like i should mention this: those are NOT my posters in the background. i'm in my sister's room because i don't have a computer in my own room. hopefully you can see the face on the hat better. this hat also makes a mark for me cuz it's the first time i've ever done embroidery on knitted stuff. whippee!

i'm glad that labor day weekend is ending now, especially after that huge hospital scare thing this afternoon with the emergency room and whatnot. also i'm glad to get rid of the crazy hot weather that we're having, since i hear that things'll cool down tomorrow. i'm tired of the temperature being in the 100's and all the sticky-disgustingness that comes with that. hopefully the earthquakes will stop, too. two earthquakes in two consecutive days is crazy, even if this is California!

i'm actually looking forward to going to school this week, which i know sounds strange. i signed up to do this volunteer thing with some IB people to make blankets for needy people in Peru (or at least i think it's Peru). this should be interesting... none of my friends signed up for it (that i know of) so i'm hoping that it won't just be a bunch of quiet workers the whole time. :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

school started this monday,

and it's pretty awesome being a senior, although i find that some of the only times i feel like a senior is when we talk about how rediculous the freshmen are, and how it was when we were freshies as well and the nerdiness that gets entangled in that whole web of confusion. i'm kinda glad that i'm back in school despite the extra work, mostly because i get to hang around with my friends a lot more. it feels good to be back in german class, especially the giggle fest we had today just talking about random crap and making fun of teachers when we should have been working. :) i am so freakin' grateful that almost every class i have this year i have one of my best friends in, unlike previous years where i had to scavenge for a friend....

i suppose i should get started on all that college crap now (although i should probably have started months ago) but i am freaking terrified, to tell the truth. i want to go to a good school, in a field that no one in my family has been in, and i have absolutely no experience in what kind of career i want to pursue. i guess i would count as sort of a blank slate, right? maybe that means i would be able to absorb info better, but most likely it won't be like that. i don't know what the hell i'm going to do... :(

i just made myself sad.