Sunday, July 22, 2007

amigurumi goodness

since i have become completely addicted to crochet, i tried another pattern that i found online of an amigurumi bird here. i did it yesterday... not quite sure how long it took me because i did most of it, went to church, ate dinner, and then finished it off when i came home. since it's so small it didn't take that much time, even at my slow speed. so here she is:

sorry about the flash again. :/

butt shot!!

here she is amongst her brethren; this time without the flash!

anyway, i'm super proud about this one even though she turned out a lot taller than she should have. maybe it gives her a little more personality? anyway, i don't know if i will be doing any more amigurumi for a while cuz i have a serious shortage of yarn and i need to stock up some more. since i'm kinda short on money right now, that might take a while... :)

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