Wednesday, December 20, 2006

BAMMM! hit with the holidays!

only a few more days until christmas, and i'm not even done with presents. dang. i was supposed to bring cookies for my friends that i didn't make presents for. i baked them, but they turned out looking like crap. like literally crap. they were supposed to look like chocolate kisses but ended up looking like poo (swirly anime style). gross. i was too embarrassed to bring it to school. oh well.

so my parents have been asking me what i want for christmas. after asking for and getting a very cheap present last year (a little less than $20), i decided to go all out this year and ask for a video camera. and why not? i mean, except for the exuberant price... what i really want to do is just record all my precious moments with my friends... *aww* i probably won't get what i asked for, but atleast i know i tried :)

if i don't get a video camera, then what i would want is a backpack. a really plain one, like those small jansport ones. i should retire my old Trogdor one... i've used it for 3 years now and it's getting really bad. plus, i should be honest now, i haven't really gone on in the longest time. i've kinda grown out of that humor, plus my computer freezes a lot when watching videos.

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