Monday, December 18, 2006


i am tired. so very, very tired. it's not that i did a lot, it's that i barely did anything and now i have a lot to do. ehhh.. i'll talk about this later.

This morning was freakin' freezing. our car was frozen at the top and on the windows so it took a lot of energy trying to wipe that ice crap off. ugh. anyway, today should be a really busy day for me. during lunch we have the Halo Halo cabinet Christmas party thing and i have to pick up my gingerbread house from german class. after school aimee and i have to go to the post office or LBC or whatever to mail a bunch of stuff my mom has to send to the Philippines. i also have to go to michaels to buy a shirt and some paint so i can put a giant L on it (woot! HALO HALO!). once i get home i can finish off Christmas gifts and bake some cookies. mmmmm... cookies. wait. i'm getting a little off topic...

nuts. i still need to buy some presents... and i was planning on giving them out tomorrow! ugh.

terrible planning + procrastination = STUPID ELAINE!

dang. i'm talking to myself again. just ignore it; talk amongst yourselves...

Christmas is only a few days away! i can't believe it. i didn't even put the lights up yet around the house. oh well. i'll get to it sometime this week.

i can't wait until this week is over. i can't stand school right now. too much to do. this is the only class i have where i can relax and i don't think i can relax here cuz i hate this class. dear god i hate it so much. ugh.

this weekend laura has been talking a lot to me about possessed dolls. now i'm really paranoid about it. thanx a lot, laura! man, cuz of that i couldn't stand being alone at home last night. there's too many dolls in my room!! AHH!!!!!

yesterday i went to reinalyn's birthday party and it was pretty cool just chilling and playing around. she has a freakin' huge house, and we had a little dinner party thing going on since there was a lot of food and only five of us. there were candles, dinnerwear, and even classical music at one point... it was very classy until we started making fun of jackie. poor jackie. ohh well.

i missed uncle's birthday dinner last night so i could stay at reinalyn's shindig, but that's ok. i had a load of homework anyway, and i had to print out some pictures of reinalyn's new look. MAKEOVER TIME!!

yesterday morning i had another driving lesson, and this time i drove on the freeway. it was something that proves i will never be a great driver... i drive too slow, and the instructor was yelling at me to go faster on the freeway, and i panicked and hit the breaks a couple of times. pshhh. that's what he gets for yelling at me. you mess with me and it'll risk your LIFE! haha. he did deserve it... i thought that would be the last of my lessons with that guy, but my mom asked him if i could take a couple more. WHY?!!

grar. i know you probably can't stand reading these long entries about my boring life. if it makes you feel better, i feel the same way about you! anyway, this is annoying me. this class is a waste of my time. i could be catching up on work i need to do instead of pretending i'm doing work in here.

chuhhhhhhhhh. this is my new "whatever" noise. it'll replace gruhhhhhhhh and nmhnmmuhhhhh for a while now. chuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgh.

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