Thursday, December 07, 2006

so i guess it's been a while...

since i last updated this thing. a lot of stuff has been going on with me, and i know i'll be really busy this month.... too much stuff to do!!

-friday: TRY and go to Battle of the Bands
-saturday: go to Sally's house to work on project
-sunday: driving lessons, then go to Janet's house to work on another project
-monday: *drool*
-tuesday: finish shirt needed for club picture (or is that next tuesday? oh well)

so as you can see, this weekend's packed. let's take a look at next weekend:

-friday: TRY to go to the christmas party
-sunday: Reinalyn's birthday party

so yeah... i know christmas presents will take a while cuz i'm making most of them. for the ones i'm not making, i still need to go out and buy them.

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