Friday, December 15, 2006

it looks like i'm gonna be busy this weekend too...

it's gonna be freakin' crazy for me.

today i have to go to the park with elaine and mindy for our english project and later go to mindy's house to work on it some more. i might go late on saturday to work on it again with the whole group....

saturday morning i have to go to sally's house to work on the math project. i also have to work on and finish christmas presents and various birthday presents. i need to go shopping!!

sunday i'm going to reinalyn's birthday party where we'll share precoious moments *aww*.

yesterday i went to madrisse's house to work on the english project, but instead we kept going off on "tangents" (as madrisse likes to call it). it was fun anyway, wasting time. we listened to a lot of music and watched America's Next Top Model. eventually we went over the script for the project. eventually.

i've done too much this week. that's how you know you've done more than you can handle-- you feel like you're a day ahead when you're really a day behind. i feel like it's saturday. so why the hell am i at school? (if you couldn't already tell, i'm im class right now).

this weekend's gonna be crazy.

i've been really tired lately. i've had too many strange dreams... some of you may know what i'm talking about (gross!). what i hate most is dreams where people die. they make me nervous. anywho, because i've been having really strange dreams this year, i've been really looking into them to find out what they mean. it's really perplexing.

elaine has been telling me a lot lately that she's gonna make me a MySpace. ewww. i suppose it's more convenient for contacting others since everyone has one, but that's kinda the reason i don't want one; EVERYONE HAS ONE. it's too conformist for me. gah.

i'm doing really bad in math analysis. i have a C! it's really sad. i've gotten C's on the last couple of tests, and i always do bad on quizzes. Damn those quizzes! it's not that it's hard or anything, it's just that i can't really remember everything that i need to. Christine demanded that i get an A on the next test. yeah. i don't think so. i actually thought i did well on that last big quiz thing, but i looked at it later and i got another C. ugh. this is what i get for trying NOT to cheat.

hmmm. i kinda forgot what magnanimous means.... let's go and see! so says:

generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness: to be magnanimous toward one's enemies.
high-minded; noble: a just and magnanimous ruler.
proceeding from or revealing generosity or nobility of mind, character, etc.: a magnanimous gesture of forgiveness.

hmm... i'm not sure if that all applies to me. i'll let you guys decide.

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