Monday, October 22, 2007


ahhh southern california fires. today they left a nice orange-hue across our town. so that was nice. it was actually kinda relaxing, despite the heat blown over from the fire. right now i'm just waiting for the part where the ash starts falling. it's just like hot grey snow! :)

saturday i went to Pasadena to visit the California School of Culinary Arts for a tour and to apply to the school. it's soo nice! dream school!!!! hahahahaa... i dunno. it all seems so intimidating. apparently finals over there are "just like that show Iron Chef." sigh. we'll see what happens. on nov.3rd i'm going to visit the Art Institute for their culinary program. here's hopin' it's great. :)

so i'm tired. i've been working on a couple of projects but i've just been putting it off for a while because i'm so busy. let's see some events to come:

-parking payments due: 10/23
-senior parking painting: 10/27
-sarah's party (maybe): 10/27
-Oktoberfest: 10/29
-Beowulf test & essay (GAY): 10/30
-visit AI campus: 11/03
-senior ad due: 11/13

ohh geebuz. i know there's a lot more that i'm missing. what else do i have to do?

-prepare for trade fair(NOW)
-set up booth simulation
-fix finances for virtual enterprise
-AP night labs
-senior ad pics
-somehow get money for gifts
-start making christmas gifts
-get b-day present for mom
-halloween costume (if at all possible)
-finish knitting hood
-finish sewing hoodie
-start sewing other clothing
-remember to post projects up here

ugh. no more lists. NO MORE!!! it's too depressing. geebuz. friggin' Beowulf test. i don't understand why it has to be at the end of this month when we finished reading that book a month ago. sigh.

i need a nap. ich mag nicht am 5:30 a.m. aufwachen. X]

Saturday, October 06, 2007

so i'm a jerk

maybe just for today. i was taking the SATs this morning and i met this girl named Alaina, who seemed pretty cool. anyway, the reason i'm a jerk is because i just left without saying goodbye or anything. so yeah. sorry! :/

i got a chance to talk with Ryan today too, although the conversation was pretty much filled with awkward pauses. 'sokay. at least we got to talk. it's been a long time! :)

today should be promising... party tonight! update later! :)

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

so i'm really sick right now. *EDIT*

it's disgusting. but i suppose i could be worse. i could be so sick that i have to go to the emergency room only to leave four hours later because the waiting is killing me more than the sickness is (as told by my good friend, elaine2). anywho, i've only been sick for a few days, so i guess it can't be that bad.

yesterday while i rolled around on the couch trying to relax, i watched the movie "Wonderland" because i recorded it the day earlier when it was playing on IFC. damn those druggies are crazy. not that i didn't know that already. the movies just enhance the experience much more... just like the drugs!

the only thing that really turned me off from this movie was that Val Kilmer looked surprisingly like the caveman in all those commercials (for Geico, maybe?) that is getting a new tv show that i'm anticipating will be quite crappy.

also. paris hilton. geebuz. did she really think that playing a slut on screen for three seconds would be her breaking role? sigh. children these days. (just forget at this comment that i am a lot younger than paris-- you know i still make a lot of sense).

Ja! Das Buero ist hier! so now that i'm totally into The Office (even though i haven't seen anything from 3rd season) i'm really anticipating the new episodes. yay jim and pam (or as i like to call them, "jam"). i used up $3 just buying The Office supplies from Target (which btw is totally worth it). yay magnets! :)

speaking of Target (and possibly Mervyns), i've noticed lately that a lot of the clothes i buy from there have labels that say things like "made in Jordan" or "made in Cambodia," or any other country that sounds like they are in desperate need or are possibly using child labor. geez. who knew cheap things were at such a high cost? i guess a lot of people. but anyway, my point is that i think now i should be doing my part (or at least trying) to help out the situation (in very small, possibly unnoticeable ways, but nonetheless helping out). by..... DRUM ROLL PLEASE!... making my own clothes! yay! of course, i'd have to start small for now, while i'm still learning how to sew. right now i have some fabric that i'm gonna practice with to make a hoodie, because i desperately need one now that things are getting (slightly) colder. if it turns out really ugly, well then i guess i don't really care, it could just be something i'll sleep in for the time being. no need to waste fabric, let alone the $moohlah$.

so... things to come: i've finished a couple of projects, but neglected to post them up just because either i've been really tired or i've been really busy. maybe i'll put 'em up sometime later. also, i'll try to sew up some stuff, just to see how far i can go with this whole "making clothing" business. hopefully it won't be too bad.

now on to record more movies and watch them later. i'm looking forward to seeing "Dahmer." damn those crazy murderers. ;)

earlier i had this huge paragraph on how great it was that Wal-mart had super incredibly cheap fabric, but i guess that would've been contradicting the whole thing about not buying stuff at places that supported slave-ish labor. as i learned from the documentary we watched in econ, Wal-mart is super evil, or at least evil enough for people to be so angry as to make a documentary about it. i know i know, it's propaganda. but what can we watch out there that isn't?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

sad music doesn't help sad people

so today ended up to be pretty craptacular. this whole week has been really great until today. i actually thought today was gonna be a really good day because i had a good start, but i guess not. i kinda don't want to go into details, but i kinda feel like i have to.


i won't.

just know that i was really sad. and still am. my eyes still hurt.

i kept trying to make myself feel better with all that "you can't get everything you want" and "you have to work with the cards you were dealt" kinda talk. but...

that just doesn't help.


cheer me up, please.

i hope tomorrow will be a lot better. it's half-day and we plan on going out to eat lunch. so hopefully... friends will come in tune when needed.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

ohhhh jeebuzzzzz

today was an uuuueber fat day. as in super fried foods fat. (explanations come later!)

this weekend was pretty cool. friday mrs. lyons wasn't in class, which always makes things a lot better. everyone seemed happy; not just me :) saturday was kinda a lazy day, but at night we went out to the mall to watch The Kingdom. waaayyyy too intense for me, especially all the violence packed into the first few minutes. i know i know, i've seen more violence in other action movies, but this one was just asking for a panicked audience all the way through. after the movie we ate some DQ ice cream (kinda a fatty day). but today was like one of the fattiest days i've ever had... we went to the LA fair and basically just ate our way through; must everything be deep fried? this day goes up there at the top of the fattiest days list, right next to the day we went to the OC fair (also a deep fried conundrum). but it was fine, as long as i got to have some nice family bonding time with the cousins before wesley goes back to UCSD and before aimee goes off to UCI.

things to come: i need to pick up on my knitting again, since it seems like it's been forever since i knit anything. also, i've been working on more of those cake softies, one for me and one for aimee. Michaels finally sent out an ad this week, and i need the coupons to save the moneyyyyyyssss! ohh yes, i am low on funds. i also think i should be getting a job soon; i know i've said this before, but i need the money!

usually by now i would be trying to get some sleep, since i have school tomorrow. basically i'm just updating right now to kill time since i just started doing my laundry. why does it have to take an hour to wash? an hour to dry? sigh. i guess i shouldn't be complaining; it could be a lot worse, to the point where i go back in time to do all my laundry by hand. ohh man. i would've died in the olden days. or maybe i would develop super duper arm muscles from all the hard labor... :)

ughhhhh... even hours after leaving the fair, i can still feel the food trying to rush up my esophagus. gross :/

Monday, September 03, 2007

birthday gifts :)

i would have posted these earlier, but i didn't just in case someone just stumbled upon my blog and saw what they were getting for a birthday present. so anyway, here's what i made:

anyway, apologies for the bad lighting that, of course, does not do the real thing justice. anyway, i made stacey a carrot cake softie/pillow thing because after many requests by her to make the actual cake (which i have yet to do) i just assumed that this was her favorite kind of cake. it's measurements are 12 inches by 7 inches (i think). basically what i did was follow this tutorial and just double the size. also i had to wing the carrot, since i had no idea how to sew a carrot... i'm pretty proud of the results :)

once again, very BIG apologies for the horrible, HORRIBLE lighting. for wesley i made a meatwad beanie from Aqua Teen Hunger Force (it's kinda hard to tell from the pictures). maybe better pictures next time? anyway, even though you can't tell, it looks pretty good to me, considering i had to totally make the pattern my own. i tried to follow this tutorial, but it turned out WAY too big, so i basically did trial and error with this one, which is why i had to make two (the bigger one goes to wesley).

here's a better pic (but still fuzzy due to cameraphone) of me wearing the smaller one:

just because i feel like i should mention this: those are NOT my posters in the background. i'm in my sister's room because i don't have a computer in my own room. hopefully you can see the face on the hat better. this hat also makes a mark for me cuz it's the first time i've ever done embroidery on knitted stuff. whippee!

i'm glad that labor day weekend is ending now, especially after that huge hospital scare thing this afternoon with the emergency room and whatnot. also i'm glad to get rid of the crazy hot weather that we're having, since i hear that things'll cool down tomorrow. i'm tired of the temperature being in the 100's and all the sticky-disgustingness that comes with that. hopefully the earthquakes will stop, too. two earthquakes in two consecutive days is crazy, even if this is California!

i'm actually looking forward to going to school this week, which i know sounds strange. i signed up to do this volunteer thing with some IB people to make blankets for needy people in Peru (or at least i think it's Peru). this should be interesting... none of my friends signed up for it (that i know of) so i'm hoping that it won't just be a bunch of quiet workers the whole time. :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

school started this monday,

and it's pretty awesome being a senior, although i find that some of the only times i feel like a senior is when we talk about how rediculous the freshmen are, and how it was when we were freshies as well and the nerdiness that gets entangled in that whole web of confusion. i'm kinda glad that i'm back in school despite the extra work, mostly because i get to hang around with my friends a lot more. it feels good to be back in german class, especially the giggle fest we had today just talking about random crap and making fun of teachers when we should have been working. :) i am so freakin' grateful that almost every class i have this year i have one of my best friends in, unlike previous years where i had to scavenge for a friend....

i suppose i should get started on all that college crap now (although i should probably have started months ago) but i am freaking terrified, to tell the truth. i want to go to a good school, in a field that no one in my family has been in, and i have absolutely no experience in what kind of career i want to pursue. i guess i would count as sort of a blank slate, right? maybe that means i would be able to absorb info better, but most likely it won't be like that. i don't know what the hell i'm going to do... :(

i just made myself sad.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

the birthday girl

today is my birthday, and i'm finally 17! :) yay me! but since it is 11:30 pm and there is only 30 minutes left for my birthday, this'll be another quickie.

just an update for what will be coming in future posts: special birthday gifts (definitely from the heart- appreciate it!) and hopefully a cable-knit bag, if i can get enough yarn to make it.

also, i've decided that i need to start making my own patterns for knit or crochet things now instead of just using other people's ideas. i've just (kinda) learned how to do stranding/intarsia stuff, so the results (if any) should be interesting. :D

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


FINALLY. YES. i finally passed my driving behind the wheel test. sweeeeeeeeet.

this isn't really a long update, i just wanted to mention that. :D

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

cookie goodness :D

so today i whipped up some cookies, mainly because i was bored. i used recipes from Hilarie Waldon's The Great Big Cookie Book, which is pretty good considering i got it for around $2 at Rhinomart. i tried 2 different kinds, but no pics of the first batch because it was a horrible disaster (they didn't rise and ended up being more like crackers than cookies). but here's the second batch: ladyfingers, which actually turned out pretty well, despite the whole meringue-egg-whipping process, which has terribly failed me before in the past. but anywho, no more chit chat! pictures!

sorry for the cell phone pics again, i know they don't do the cookies justice.

close up!

for some reason (i'm not quite sure why) i actually got twice the amount of cookies that the book said there would be, but no worries. the more the merrier! :) mmm... powdered sugar.

so for my next project: birthday gifts, which i'm not sure how long will take because i still have like 2 books to read for my summer reading before school starts on aug. 27th (WHY!? WHY SO EARLY?!). :(

Thursday, August 02, 2007

the LOVE rug is finally complete!

so i finally finished knitting my rug, made completely out of t-shirts. some of them were old and some of them i bought for about $2 each. i'm so glad that it's finally done! i actually finished it yesterday, but i had to do a lot of vaccuming before i could take the pics. anyway, here it is:

since it's a little hard to see the love pattern in each square, here are a few close-ups:

i didn't really take the time to measure the size of the rug, but i'm guessing that it's about the size of 2.5 doormats put together. :)

with the leftover yarn i had i made the t-shirt clutch from the knit.1 mag. as you can see it turned out kinda ugly, maybe even fugly, so i'm not sure that i'll ever use it.

the only thing i really like about it is that striking aqua button. :)

the button is a little off center too, through no fault of my own of course! the buttonhole was like that in the pattern, so i guess there was no other way to center it a little. i didn't really even notice it until i started sewing on the button.

after knitting these i have decided to never EVER knit with t-shirt yarn again, mainly because it leaves a huge mess. the yarn tends to molt a lot, something i realized AFTER i dyed all the shirts and began to cut them up and whatnot. also, sometime while making the rug the knitting got really hard, and it just totally ruined the tips of my aluminum needles so that the color totally wore off. sheesh.

my next projects: birthday presents! you know who you are!! :)

Sunday, July 22, 2007

amigurumi goodness

since i have become completely addicted to crochet, i tried another pattern that i found online of an amigurumi bird here. i did it yesterday... not quite sure how long it took me because i did most of it, went to church, ate dinner, and then finished it off when i came home. since it's so small it didn't take that much time, even at my slow speed. so here she is:

sorry about the flash again. :/

butt shot!!

here she is amongst her brethren; this time without the flash!

anyway, i'm super proud about this one even though she turned out a lot taller than she should have. maybe it gives her a little more personality? anyway, i don't know if i will be doing any more amigurumi for a while cuz i have a serious shortage of yarn and i need to stock up some more. since i'm kinda short on money right now, that might take a while... :)

Friday, July 20, 2007


i finally taught myself how to crochet. i've basically just been going crazy all of yesterday and today just learning the basic stitches like single crochet, half double crochet (*sigh* crazy oxymoron) double crochet, triple crochet, and crocheting in rounds... it's insane, and my hand really hurts so i'm typing really. really. really. slow. REALLY SLOW. :)

anyway, today i finished my first crochet project, an octopus. the whole reason i wanted to learn to crochet was to do amigurumi, and this is my very first (amateur) attempt at something amigrumi-ish. it turned out kinda cute, despite a lot of lumpiness and other mistakes. oh well. here's the pattern.

here it is:

the legs should have been way longer than that and the pattern should have said to chain on more than 31, but i guess it looks fine this way... maybe more proportionate?

i've decided that it will be my beta's new best friend! yay! ;D

aww. how cute. anyway, sorry about the bad lighting. i took this at night with bad flash and whatnot. and i know i know, i've kinda been neglecting that rug i've been knitting. it's just that i need to get a hold of some more yarn, and that may take a while...

so for the past 2 days (conveniently while i've been learning to crochet) i have been watching old episodes of The Office and right when i realized i have become addicted to it, i found out i have finished watching all the episodes available on tv-links. why? WHY!? now i'll never find out what happens between Jim and Pam! anyway, now i need to find some other website that offers more episodes of The Office, which i am really craving right now. or maybe i could just go the honest way and buy the dvds. but.... i need money! why?! why am i so poor?! The Office was basically the best thing going for me all summer, and now it's out of reach... oh well. *sigh* :(

Sunday, July 15, 2007

hey there!

i realize that i haven't had many updates on my attempts to cook, so here's one for ya:

i tried to cook gnocchi after watching this video on youtube. anyway, i've decided that i kinda like watching cooking show stuff online rather than on food network, mainly because the food seems more real... also because Robert Rodriguez somehow just makes cooking seem a whole lot cooler... :D

anyway, here are the results. sorry again for the crappy picture, but it was a cell phone shot.

here's my gnocchi with meat marinara sauce. it turned out tasting pretty good, even though no one here bothered to eat it and decided to eat Jack in the Box hamburgers instead... hmmmph... :( anyway, there will be more food updates to come!!

i am glad to announce that i am past the halfway point in knitting my rug. i kinda stopped it for a while now cuz i realized i needed more yarn.... also, i realize how small it's gonna end up, but that's ok. i really just want to get it over with.

also: another thing i think i should be working on right now is trying to redecorate my room without having to paint the walls, mainly because i just don't have that kind of money. it's like a horrible blank slate right now, and hopefully by the end of the summer it will look a whole lot better. :)

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

anime expo 'o7

this weekend i spent 4 days at the anime expo, to which my friends said "do you even LIKE anime?" my response being "no..." in fact, i'm kinda borderline on hate right now. too many lines out in the blazing sun, too many crowds of smelly, smelly people. i'm so glad that i'm finally home. i stayed in a semi-ghetto holiday inn for the three nights with my sister and a bunch of her classmates, like a HEAPIN' LOAD of them. every night there was about 12 people staying in our dinky 2-bed room. it's not that i didn't have any fun, it's just that there were a lot of times that i didn't have fun, and i have to complain about it to someone, dammit! haha... laugh it off, that's right! :D

now that that's all over, i need to begin looking for a job! i've been saying that i am gonna get a job over the summer for a REALLY long time, and now that a month of summer has past, it's getting harder to keep that promise. all i've been doing in my spare time is knitting and watching project runway marathons (damn you BRAVO! it's so addictive...) ohh BTW, it seems that i haven't been knitting enough because i'm not even 1/3 of the way finished with my rug thing... i really want to get it over with so that i can begin doing other things. i've tried to keep away from websites like craftster so i won't get any other ideas until i finished the rug. i don't know why it's taking me that long. it's not even that hard to do!!!

anyway, what i really want to do right now is make some hikaru dorodango. i got the idea from craftzine and it looks really easy to do, but it takes a lot of time and (i'm assuming) good quality dirt, which i don't have any of right now.

my parents are kinda mad at me right now cuz of my cell phone bill. apparently my part of the bill is being charged $43 more than the normal rate, $35 of which is all for texting. i really didn't even know that it was that expensive!!! anyway, they want me to pay them the $35 back, but i really don't have any money. i spent all of my moolah on parking and food for that freakin' anime expo since mom only gave me $30 for the whole trip and parking is $8 a day and food is always around $9 there. living is expensive!!!

Saturday, June 23, 2007


ok. so this morning i noticed something strange on my sunburned arms... there appears to be the figure of a hand print on my shoulder and it is REALLY FREAKING ME OUT. it's like the devil tried to touch my arm and burned me in the process...

other than that and a little peeling of the skin, things have been going fine, i suppose. i've been working on knitting a rug lately, and i'm predicting that this project will last forever. but that's ok... at least i'll have something to do! :D

earlier today aimee and i stopped by the Barnes and Nobles and i bought an issue of Knit.1 magazine and Craft Magazine. i've been trying to get a Knit.1 mag for maybe the past year now, and now that i finally have it i'm a little disappointed; not because of what's in it (it's as cool as i expected!) but because they only had one issue at Barnes and Nobles and it was in kinda crappy condition. anywho, i'm looking forward to doing some of the crafts featured in these magazines. i kinda want to get a subscription... maybe then i'll have something to look forward to when i get the mail!! XD

Monday, June 18, 2007


well i'm back from cabo and i return to you burnt and a little crispy... also with 2 bug bites. yuckie...

anyway, it was fun and all, except for attending those time share presentations all for the sake of a free breakfast that was promised. :/

so yeah..... i need more time to make more crafty creations!!! i have the rest of the summer to come up with something, and hopefully it'll be more than one thing. :D

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

up for a quickie?

interpret that title as you like.... anyway, school ended last week and all i've been doing so far is eating out and shopping. it's really lame.

it still feels like i should be going to school. i'm not in summer mode yet. i went out with my friends on the last day of school and that felt like just another day where i stay after school. i've been shopping during the day a lot and i still feel like i should be doing homework or something.

well..... tomorrow morning the family and i are going out to cabo in mexico. maybe that will help set me into summertime. :D 4 days to remove my disgusting farmer's tan.

Friday, June 01, 2007


so this week has been quite eventful. let's start at the beginning of the week:

sunday: fun fun fun at the beach with cousins. it took forever to find parking but it was worth it. we also had to scavenge for coins for the meter, and i managed to save the day! (or at least i like to think so...).

monday was AWESOME, and i even have pictures to prove it! yay! we had a surprise party for laura's birthday. it took us around an hour to fill all those waterballoons, and only 2 minutes to get rid of them. :)

this is my sad attempt to take a picture of myself, one of three... :)

reinalyn trying to fix her camera...

it works! yay!

a kid going off with one of the balloons that I PAID FOR. i'll get him back some day...

laura, pam, and grace going off with some of the many pieces of fried chicken...

my pants after the other elaine decided it would be funny to throw a giant waterballoon at my butt...

there she is! i see you!

steven, grace, and laura with her heart balloon while we were trying to play truth or dare...

anyway, you get the idea. lot's of food, lot's of people, lot's of fun. i took a couple more pictures but they're just taking too long to upload. also, i'm really lazy. that too.

tuesday i took my anatomy final for the cat dissection, which was a lot harder than i anticipated. i suppose 70 out of 90 is ok considering that i didn't study at all.

the next couple of days were just a whole lot of nothing. except for today...

today was the last day of school for seniors, which i suppose would be a lot sadder if i had more senior friends. oh well. i didn't see as many people crying and stuff as i did last year. i guess it's cuz i was closer to a couple more seniors last year. today was just a bunch of people with their camcorders and digital cameras, capturing their every last move.

i was thinking if i should go buy a yearbook this saturday. i kinda just want to look at it. i'm not so sure how many people will even sign it. :/

next week school will be totally empty. :) i can't wait to go to graduation.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

so tired...

i really want to go to sleep now. but i can't. i'm expecting an important phone call that i really don't want to miss because if i do then i'll have to call him back and then i have to go through the whole awkward thing again that happened when i first called him and then i'll get really nervous and then i blah blah blah you get the point. i can't miss that call.

i only got 3.5 hours of sleep last night because i was studying for my history test. usually when i do things like dedicate my entire night to one class to study, it always turns out for the better when i get my grade back. but not today. i studied 6 hours straight last night, and then studied throughout the 3 classes i have before history, and STILL i had a hard time on that damn test. i cannot cannot cannot cannot cannot get a C in that class. i'm so borderline i can actually feel myself being pushed off the cliff... by someone... possibly the teacher... or his TAs that grade the tests. ugh. nevermind. forget what i said.

so last night as i was studying there was a minor earthquake going on. nothing important, a 3.something... i actually thought it was just my crappy house because my sister was walking around, and whenever you step there tends to be a shakey feeling. and then there was the aftershock, which was just there to confirm to me that it really was an earthquake. you would think that since i've been living in california for so long that i could actually distinguish an earthquake (even a minor one) from just a little shaking, but i guess not. almost during every earthquake i could have experienced here i was asleep. in fact, the first earthquake i've actually felt was not too long ago, with the typical reaction of "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!"

geez. look at me rambling on like an old lady. apologies for that. i tell you the tiredness is consuming me.

anywho. it'll be a while until i can actually post another creation of mine, just because i've been so busy and the project i'm working on right now can take up a lot of time, despite the fact that the place i got it from said it only took them 3 days to complete it. whatever. i like to take my time with these things. :)

i'm still waiting for that call!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


today was uber boring, as predicted. but that's ok, i guess. wait. not really. so much wasted time!

in 2nd period photoshop today i had 2 whole hours of nothingness, mainly because i was practically finished with the project when we began today. *sigh* i should have been knitting or texting someone. i wish i could text in class in a more secretive way. the desks in the computer class are way too big to hide my phone under. whatever. i don't evcn know what i'm being charged for texting. until my parents complain or yell at me about how much i'm texting, i guess i'll just keep texting at my normal rate (which i'm guessing is expensive, mainly because i'm super-scrooge-style cheap).

it's May, which means more graduations and birthdays. this means more hush hush secrets and more big huge surprises (kinda, but not really). i can't wait until this year is over! i feel kinda bad... i should have some summer plans set up by now (the mustang update demanded that i do something with my life). i really need to start looking for a job. it's about time i start making some money, dammit! i suppose i need a car first... but before that i need a license... but before that i need to learn how to drive... i mean, i know how to drive. i know how to drive. it's just that i'm really REALLY bad at it. i don't think i can stand failing another driving test. i couldn't stand the patronization that i endured from that instructor guy when i failed.

oh, Jon Stewart. you jest me so. Steven Colbert could never take your place! :)

Saturday, May 19, 2007

it's saturday night...

and i've decided to write just cuz i'm really bored right now. i spent all of this morning helping out my sister with all her prom stuff for tonight and now that she's gone i don't really have anything to do. hohumhum....

i'm supposed to be practicing my script for english, but whatever. i don't have the attention span for that. so far i've learned 2 lines! yay for me! but not really. the whole thing's due monday, so i guess i really have to get prepared.

so i guess i'll just sit here... and blog... and listen to music... sad music... all night.... :( ugh. i was supposed to buy a bunch of t-shirts this morning so that i can make yarn out of them for my next knitting project, but i was so caught up in getting all that crap for my sister that we had no time. grr. i don't think i have time to buy the shirts tomorrow either. SIGH.

damn you imogen heap. such sad and addictive music. huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

i'm really tired. for the past week i've been staying after school every day till 5 to work on projects and birthday stuff (happy birthday, elaine!) and just to stay with friends. it was fun while it lasted but now i'm -for lack of a better word- pooped. but i guess i've had enough time to catch up on sleep. it's time to get back on track! sigh. too tired. i'll do it later. :)

Saturday, May 12, 2007


i know, i know, i haven't been here in AGES, but i have a good reason! well, not really. whatever. just be thankful that i came here today! let's go over what i've done for the past 3 months or so... oh yeah. some of these pictures are really crappy, just cuz the only camera i had around at the time was my camera phone.

food! i've been really busy trying too cook new foods and whatnot. i'm trying to keep this entry as short as possible, so i'll cut back on some of the explanations for some of this food.

i made apfelpfannkuchen so i could get points in german class. mission accomplished!

i made some curry potato pierogi, but i got lazy during the process and the dough was kinda iffy...

i tried making some of Giada de Laurentis' beef and arugula pasta, which actually turned out quite nice, despite this picture...

i also tried making some sweet potato fries, which turned out really good. :)

so yeah..! i also kept myself busy with some crafts:

i tried making a halter from a regular t-shirt when i got the idea from ohmystars... it didn't quite turn out right, but i suppose it was ok for my first try.

i made some marble magnets that i saw on not martha. they look a lot better in person than in this photo...

i knit this scarf from ohmystars, which was really easy, but took WAY too long to do... i'm never going to knit a scarf again; i don't have the patience.

ta da! i sewed up this knitting needle case. now i finally have somewhere to put all my dpns!

speaking of dpns, i actually did use them for a project once, but it turned out horribly wrong. so right now i'm looking for a new project. yay!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

hey there!

yeah you! it's been a while!

around a week ago i finished knitting my fingerless gloves, and although they remind me of hobos, i really only knit them because they were so darn easy to! (pattern courtesy of oh my stars).

so here it is:

i suppose they would look better with my hands inside them, but it would have been really hard to take the picture.
i really want to go to Michaels sometime this week, but unfortunately i have no money to spend. it's been this way since Christmastime... i basically spent all my money on gifts before Christmas, and after it i spent it all on me. on Christmas i got $30, which i spent the week after, forgetting that i needed a new backpack. it would have been just enough to to buy one, but i was caught up in the spending spirit when i visited the mall. i really need to retire my old trogdor bag-- i've been using that for three years now, and i know everyone is tired of it. whatever.
now that second semester in school has started, my second period class has changed from keyboarding to Photoshop (finally!). it's a lot harder, but atleast i left that godforsaken class once and for all. i can never remember all the shorcuts and techniques that we learned in PS the day before (resulting in very bad quiz grades), but it is still better than the class i had before. :)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

what i have been trying to do

since i started this blog was to upload pictures of my crafty creations that i make in my spare time... so far i haven't had enough time (or knowhow) to do this, but now i have time!

about 2 weeks ago i started making kanzashi flowers out of the spare scraps of cloth i have left over. it was really easy, thanks to various sites like one hour craft (which i am kind of addicted to right now). so here's what i made:

this is the first couple i made... kinda crappy, but i guess it's pretty good for my first try.

these are the next two i made. getting better...

this is the next one i made, and it's starting to look good.

these are the last ones i made. they look a lot better, but sorry for the crappy pictures. it was too dark, and the flash was too bright. anywho, i actually starched the fabric when making these two flowers, making it a lot easier to deal with.

later on i shall post more pictures of my craftiness, just so my blog looks a little more interesting. i should start to knit again cuz on some occasions i have a LOT of spare time.

Friday, January 05, 2007

looking outside at the falling leaves and crazy winds,

i wonder why all this is happening now rather than in september or october when it should have. according to, winds here right now range from 13 to 19 mph. hmmm... i can hear my house breaking apart from the inside. dang. this house is old. some of the shingles from the roof are actually falling off, thankfully just into the backyard and nowhere else. when the bathroom door is closed, i can feel the wind rushing through that little gap between the door and the floor; we like to keep the bathroom window open for obvious reasons.

i hope everyone had a very pleasant holiday season. :) christmas and new years was pretty cool i guess. the younger part of our family spent time playing board games [which you would think is pretty lame, but actually turned out fun]. i had fun engorging myself with holiday food and unwrapping presents and whatnot.

today is the last weekday of summer break before i return to school, and i still have not finished my homework. how could i? i need more lazy time, dammit! i actually did get a video camera for christmas, but i have yet to understand how everything works [the owner's manual has very BAD english]. i actually recorded something today, but it took me forever to find out how to view what i recorded. now only a couple hours later, i can't even remember how i did all of that. oh well. there's always time for it later... on the 15th we have a 3 day weekend. :)